Random Selection In Random Image - A website by Jan Robert Leegte

Random Selection In Random Image - A website by Jan Robert Leegte

I love one-page-sites that do just what they say. They are funny, interactive or just useless and therefore great. Random Selection In Random Image .com is an outstanding, arty and quite sophisticated example of a one pager. The website was created by Jan Robert Leegte, and it does exactly what it says: it loads a random image from Flickr and it makes a random selection which looks like the Photoshop marquee tool. The website is quite addictive (not only for Photoshop geeks) and I am pretty sure you will hit the reload button a couple of times. Enjoy the double random!

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Hi, I'm Sebastian. I'm the CEO and founder ofEdkimo.I like to travel, learn languages and discover new things.