
Random Face Maker

Carl made me smile! The Russian Art Collective Faceheads.ru and Carl, their talking piece of cardboard, explain in this little video tutorial how to use random shapes to create an Instant Face Maker. The effect is quite stunning when you move two points wich represent the eyes over your piece of paper: you’ll see more and more faces appear from your random lines. A creative and fun way to play and draw for kids and grown-ups alike.


Driving a Car in Russia

Life in Russia is extreme. Driving a car in Russia is just crazy. In recent years more and more drivers install cameras in their cars to have some proof in case of an accidents. Some of these videos find their way to the internet. Master compiler TwisterNederland just published a 13 minutes round-up of Russian traffic incidents and accidents. It’s the wild east at its best. When I was living in Saint Petersburg and Moscow some years ago I really learned to fear cars. As a pedestrian one has to be prepared to die at every corner of a street. And when you take a taxi by night you can never be sure that the driver isn’t drunk. So you better fasten your seat belts before you watch this video!

Compiled by TNL


Saint Petersburg Roof Tour by Serg D

Saint-Petersburg is an amazing city, not only during its White Nights from May to June, but also in winter, when the city slows down and falls asleep. The colorful sky and the clouds are always breathtaking. Sergey Degtyarev, a photographer and roofer from Saint-Petersburg, has done a rooftop tour around the city and captured the magic of its architecture, sky and lights in some stunning images. His pictures recalled some very dear memories of my year in Russia, when we walked and picknicked on the roofs of Saint Petersburg with friends. That was certainly not the safest way to do a tour around the city. But no matter what people say, the risk of roofing seems to be justified. Just have a look!

All images (c) Serg D