The Wild Animals Book is a wonderful piece art. Dutch Graphic designer, illustrator and animator Rop van Mierlo first self-published his book in 2011, when Wild Animals won the Dutch Design Awards in the category ‘Best Graphic Design’. The book is a collection of Rop’s amazing wash paintings of wild animals. When the inks and watercolors are dropped on the paper they create wild formations without hard lines or angles to confine them. Watch the video below to get an idea about how the technique works.

About the Wild Animals Book

The snake rattles,
the lion yawns
and man makes a book.
A wild book
for civilized people.
A sophisticated book
for wild people.
A beautiful book
with wild animals
for civilized people.
A book with beautiful animals
for wild people.

(Rop van Mierlo)

Wild Animals Book - Rop van Mierlo - Sauvages

Wild Animals Book - Rop van Mierlo - Sauvages

Wild Animals Book - Rop van Mierlo - Sauvages

Wild Animals Book - Rop van Mierlo - Sauvages

You can buy the book in English and Dutch, a set of postcards and beautiful prints of Wild Animals on the Wilde Dieren website. You can also find a French edition of Wild Animals called Sauvages and prepared by éditions MéMo, one of my favorite publishing houses in France when it comes to finding beautiful books for my kids and friends.

All images by Rop van Mierlo



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Hi, I'm Sebastian. I'm the CEO and founder ofEdkimo.I like to travel, learn languages and discover new things.